About us

Since 2013, Autorijschool Bergfeld has been an established sole proprietorship in Amsterdam. Our specialty is obtaining the “B” driver’s license.

At Rijschool Bergfeld, we collaborate with various companies and individuals, which has helped us grow and achieve where we are today. Our strength lies in affordability, reliability, flexibility, and professionalism. These qualities are reflected in our personalized coaching and guidance. As a sole proprietorship, we are able to keep our costs low, making us the most affordable choice in the Greater Amsterdam region.

We strictly follow the guidelines of the CBR (Central Bureau of Driving Skills Examination) and provide an optimal customized learning environment for everyone. Whether you experience exam anxiety, have ADD, ADHD, or autism, you have come to the right place with us.

Our lessons are conducted in both Dutch and English.

At Rijschool Bergfeld, you save on costs without compromising on quality.

Our mission

At Rijschool Bergfeld, our mission is to guide you towards a confident and safe driving experience. We strive to offer more than just driving lessons. Our goal is to provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge so that you can confidently participate in traffic after obtaining your driver’s license.

We believe in a personalized approach and tailor our lesson program to your individual needs and learning style. Whether you struggle with exam anxiety, have specific learning challenges, or require extra support, we are here for you. Our instructors are knowledgeable, patient, and understanding, ensuring that you feel comfortable during the lessons.


Satisfied customers


Passing rate

Have already succeeded

Our vision

At Rijschool Bergfeld, we have a clear vision in mind. We strive to exceed the standards and expectations within the driving school industry and to take a leading role in the region.

Our vision is based on three key pillars:

  • Quality: We strive for excellence in everything we do. This means that we offer high-quality driving lessons that meet the highest standards of instruction, safety, and service. We invest in well-trained and experienced instructors who combine expertise with patience and commitment.

  • Individual attention: We believe in the power of personalized guidance. Our vision is to support and guide each student individually based on their unique needs, skills, and learning styles. We listen to our students, set goals together, and tailor our lesson program to provide a personalized and effective learning experience.

  • Trust and safety: We aim to educate not only competent drivers but also confident and responsible road users. Our vision is to shape drivers who are aware of their responsibilities, adapt to changing traffic situations, and proactively ensure the safety of themselves and others.

At Rijschool Bergfeld, our vision is to guide every student towards success on the road. We aim to have a positive impact on the lives of our students by equipping them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to drive safely and confidently.